1-Now I’m going to talk about my mechanical project. trying to move a ball on the computer screen using the mims effect with processing and arduino

2-Mims effect is the ability of LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) not only to emit light, but also to sense light.And it was discovered by Forrest Mims

3- First i download processing from .Processing is an open soucre programming language and integrated development environment (IDE). I have usedthis software to learn a little bit more about coding and to detect the mims effect using processing an arduino board and a LED

4-Then i started to try diferents examples and try to change the code .I crate variables that are repesented as balls . Firs I find a code with two bouncing balls, that bounces with all the sides of the screen. Then I add a third ball, that has the property to dissappear when it bounces with any other ball

5-After i download the arduino software to be able to detect the light with a LED using an analog input from the arduino . After downloaded it, you need to check if the drivers are well installed and if the computer port and type of board is corrector or not .

6- Blink code is a basic arduino code that we use to test the arduino an see if it works or not. And to see if they work correctly we put a led in the arduino and saw if they emit light .

7- When i check the arduino and see that they works I started looking for a code from internet and from the books that the teacher gave us to find a code that serve me to make my project .

8-After i need to test the arduino to know if the arduino works with mims effect and if the led works like a light sensor .to do it. i use this code which when you put your hand near the LED the value go down and when you put your hand far the value increases

9- Finally i found a code from that code is used to move a ball in the screen of computer only changing the intensity of light that detect the sensor using processing ,arduino and a led.

10-import processing.serial.*; and import cc.arduino.*; means that we impòrt linrarys of arduino to processing to do this i need to download the standard firmata library of arduino .

11- color back = color(64, 218, 255); //variables for the 2 colors is to change the color of the background if you change this numbers the color change.size(800, 600); is the size of the screen

12-value=map(read, 0, 250, 200, width*4); //use to callibrate. Is used to calibrate the mims effect it was so dificult because always change the values

13-ellipse(value, 300,30, 30); this means the the abject wich i move is an ellipse an this numbers are the size of this ellipse.

14-This is the result of the code that i found here dont apears the ball but then changing the values appears and works well.

15-To do this project i have a lot of problems first i tried to do it with arduino leonardo but my PC dont reconized the device and i need to change the arduino to another

16-Then i try to do it with arduino yún . To use this arduino i need to download another arduino software. I find this software in . But finally i have the same problem . My pc dosen’t reconized

-Finally i try to do it with an arduino uno and worked the first time I only had to change the software 1.5.4 to 1.0.5 and the values of calibration

18-This is the final result of my project here i can move the ball moving my hand and with mims effect.

19-References . To do this project i search information from diferents webs adress like , , PDF books, google images and wikipedia

20-Thanks for listening and I hope you liked .

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